Archers Tarundeep Rai and Riddhi Fore won India’s second gold medal in Archery World Cup stage one. On Sunday (April 24) in Antalya, Turkey, Tarundeep and Riddhi made a spectacular comeback from the mixed team event to beat Britain in the shoot-off.
India ended their campaign in the tournament with two golds. Earlier on Saturday, the compound men’s team of Abhishek Verma, Rajat Chauhan and Aman Saini had won gold for the country.
38-year-old Tarundeep, who won a silver medal at the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games in Guangzhou, won a gold medal in the mixed category of the World Cup for the first time.
On the other hand, 17-year-old Riddi has got her first World Cup medal. Both the players took nine points in the shoot-off. On the other hand, Britain’s Briony Pittman and Alex Wise scored nine and eight points.
Tarundeep and Riddi got off to a disappointing start. In the first two attempts, both could score only eight points each. As a result, they lost the first set by two points. Both came back in the second set.
The British pair could only manage seven and eight points. In the third set, Tarundeep and Riddi scored 29 out of 40 points, but the pair of Briony Pittman and Alex Vice took the lead with 40 out of 40 points.
The Indian pair then scored 10 points twice. The British pair came under pressure from this. In this way, Tarundeep and Riddi made a comeback and then won the match in the shoot-off.
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