Thursday, 18 August 2022

0 Research: Asteroid brought water to Earth, Japanese scientists revealed

Japanese scientists have claimed that the asteroid brought water to Earth. He has revealed this after studying the dust of an asteroid named ‘Ryugu’. The study, recently published in the ‘Journal Nature Astronomy’, tells the story of the formation of the universe, the solar system, the planets and the Earth. According to scientists, the asteroid ‘Ryugu’ is a stone 800 meters in diameter.

The samples that have been brought to the earth from this stone are very dark in color. A green colored organic material is found between them. This material is full of pores. The holes present in it show that water or gas must have been flowing through it. This means that there were signs of life on ‘Ryugu’ 450 million years ago. These signs are still possible today.

Scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia have also studied these soil samples. He told that the soil of the samples obtained is so black that it reflects only 2 percent of the sunlight. It is a specific form of carbon. Ryugu revolves around Earth in an orbit between Earth and Mars.

Hayabusa-2 sent for study:

Japan had sent the spacecraft Hayabusa-2 to study this asteroid under the space mission. It returned with soil samples from Asteroid Ryugu in the year 2020. Last year it was also claimed that very ancient elemental elements have been found on Ryugu.

Evidence from other studies:

A second study has revealed that this elemental material was formed from a material like clay. That is, a substance of organic origin. Which means that there is a possibility of origin of life in this soil. It was studied by Professor Cédric Pillorget of Paris-Saclay University and his team. Cedric and his team also found a mixture of carbonates and flammables in this substance.

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