The Azamgarh Lok Sabha seat of UP has been an affair between the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party since 1996. In 2009, the BJP had succeeded in breaking this tradition, but in that election also its candidate Ramakant Yadav had a SP-BSP background.
Voting took place once again on the seat that fell vacant after the resignation of SP President Akhilesh Yadav, but this time the election result of this Lok Sabha seat may indicate a big change in the politics of the state.
BJP candidate Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirhua is not being considered a very serious candidate this time too, while Samajwadi Party candidate Dharmendra Yadav is fighting to save the family’s reputation.
This time the position of Bahujan Samaj Party candidate Shah Alam alias Guddu Jamali is said to be very strong in Azamgarh seat. If they are successful in getting the BSP to win from here, then it will indicate a big change in the politics of the state.
In fact, ever since the results of the 2022 assembly elections came out, it is being said that Akhilesh Yadav was able to reach a respectable seat number only with the help of Muslim voters, but even after that he did not support Muslims on those important occasions. did not raise the voice which they were expecting from them. When bulldozers were going on in places in Uttar Pradesh and a particular section is being targeted, he did not protest vocally against it.
Akhilesh may be harmed:
Akhilesh Yadav’s absence from meeting him even when the second most important leader of the party, Azam Khan, was seen negatively. His displeasure with Akhilesh Yadav was also visible in Azam Khan’s own statements. Later, after he became ill, Akhilesh Yadav definitely reached the hospital to meet him and it was claimed that everything was fine between the two leaders, but it is being said that the ice between the two leaders has not melted yet.
Due to these reasons Muslim voters are being said to be disillusioned with the Samajwadi Party. In such a situation, if this message reaches the bottom and a section of Muslim voters move away from Samajwadi Party in favor of Bahujan Samaj Party candidate Guddu Jamali, then it will be a big change in the attitude of Muslim voters. It is believed that this will have a big impact on the coming elections as well. Akhilesh Yadav’s absence from campaigning in favor of Samajwadi Party candidate Dharmendra Yadav is also being seen differently.
Jamali’s Power:
The biggest change in the Azamgarh by-election can be seen that the forward voters here can vote for the BSP candidate instead of the BJP. It is being said that being a local candidate, Guddu Jamali has a good hold among all sections of voters and has close relations with the people. Being active in the education sector, he has family relations with the people here and people see him as a very good person. This power of Guddu Jamali can defeat the veteran candidates of both the SP and BJP parties.
BSP will emerge as a big force:
Bahujan Samaj Party spokesperson Faizan Khan told Amar Ujala that his victory in the Azamgarh by-election is certain. The reason for this is Guddu Jamali’s popularity and good relations with the people along with being a local. He alleged that Akhilesh Yadav has not lived up to the expectations of Muslims and is now leaning towards the BSP. With this election a new politics will start in the state and BSP will emerge as a big force.
The post UP By-Election: Azamgarh by-election can change the politics of UP appeared first on Spotlight 7.
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