Friday, 24 June 2022

0 International Olympic Day: What is International Olympic Day? know its history and the Theme of 2022

International Olympic Day or World Olympic Day is celebrated every year on 23 June. It is a celebration of sports, health and being together. This day inspires everyone to get together and be active with a purpose. For the past two decades, Olympic Day is being celebrated in almost every corner of the world. Various competitions are organized around the world to promote sports on a large scale.

On this occasion, NOC organizes sports, cultural and educational activities. These activities are independent of age, gender, social background or sporting ability. Their aim is to connect people only through sports. Some countries have even included this program in the school curriculum.

History of International Olympic Day:

The idea of ​​celebrating Olympic Day was first adopted at the 42nd meeting of the Olympic Committee in St. Moritz. It was in 1948 that IOC member Dr. Grass spoke of celebrating World Olympic Day at the 41st session of the International Olympic Committee in Stockholm, Sweden.

June 23 was chosen for this. The IOC was established on 23 June 1894 at the Sorbonne, Paris. The Olympic Games were revived by Pierre de Coubertin. National Olympic Committees were engaged for the event and 23 June is a special moment in Olympic history. For this reason, Olympic Day is also celebrated on 23 June.

Theme of International Olympic Day 2022:

This year’s theme is “Together for a Peaceful World”. This year Olympic Day will be celebrated with an emphasis on global peace. World Olympic Day 2022 emphasizes that the aim is to build a better world through sport and bring people together in peace.

On Olympic Day the IOC also invites NOCs to make their Olympic Day activities. NOCs on all continents discover new and exciting ways for athletes and Olympians to interact and try out new sports. The first edition in 1987 had only 45 participant NOCs. Now that number has increased to more than a hundred.

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