BJP worker’s body found in Kolkata amid Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to West Bengal. According to the information, his body hanging from the noose has been recovered.
The deceased has been identified as Arjun Chaurasia, resident of Kashipur assembly. The Bharatiya Janata Party has condoled the killing of a 27-year-old BJP worker.
A statement has been issued by the party saying that all programs of Amit Shah’s reception in Kolkata have been canceled.
Amit Shah is on a two-day visit:
Union Home Minister Amit Shah is on a two-day visit to Bengal. He is holding rallies in West Bengal and targeting TMC and Mamata Banerjee. In the Siliguri rally on Thursday, he once again indicated the implementation of CAA.
He said, TMC is spreading rumors about CAA that it will not be implemented, but I would like to say that as soon as the wave of Kovid-19 ends, we will implement CAA on the ground. Mamta didi wants to infiltrate, but CAA was, is and will be a reality.
Shah has reached Bengal in difficult times:
Shah’s visit to the state comes at a time when the party faced resignations and factionalism from several top leaders after the defeat in the 2021 assembly polls and is trying to reorganize itself again in the state. State BJP leader is considering Shah’s visit to boost the morale of the party workers.
It is believed that Shah will devise a strategy to end the internal dissatisfaction of the party and regain the lost ground. The Trinamool Congress, which won a big victory in the assembly elections, has won many BJP MPs and MLAs in its side. Along with this, the party workers are also facing the violence of the workers of the ruling party.
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