The Indian women’s doubles team of N Sikki Reddy and Ashwini Ponnappa withdrew from the upcoming Uber Cup tournament on Friday due to injury. Badminton Association of India (BAI) gave this information.
Sikki Reddy has been advised rest by the doctor due to the injury, which prompted the Indian pair to make the decision. The Uber Cup will be played in Bangkok from May 8 to 15.
“Sikki Reddy has Grade 2 tear in abdomen (Abdominous rectus) which has been confirmed in MRI and has been advised by the doctor for four to six weeks’ rest,” BAI said in a statement.
BAI Secretary General Sanjay Mishra said, “Under these circumstances, the pair has pulled out of the upcoming BATC apart from the Uber Cup and the selectors have decided to include Simran Singh and Ritika Thakkar in their place as they are placed fourth in the rankings during the selection trials.”
A day earlier, BAI had announced the Indian squad for the upcoming Asian Games, Commonwealth Games and Thomas and Uber Cup.
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