Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has announced that he will no longer endorse tobacco brand Vimal Elaichi. After facing severe criticism from his fans, he has also apologized to the people through a tweet.
Akshay Kumar was recently seen in an advertisement for Vimal Elaichi products along with film actors Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan. After which his fans expressed their displeasure and severely criticized him. Vimal Elaichi is one such brand that also sells tobacco products.
Akshay Kumar apologized by tweeting-
Apologizing to his fans for promoting Vimal brand, Akshay Kumar tweeted, ‘I want to apologize to all my fans and well wishers. Your feedback has impressed me a lot over the past few days, while I do not and will not endorse tobacco, I respect your sentiments regarding my association with Vimal Elaichi. Also, I have decided that I will donate the ad fees taken for the advertisement to charity.
Cleanliness regarding continuation of advertisement-
In the tweet, Akshay Kumar clarified about the advertisement being on air and said that Vimal may continue to broadcast the advertisement brand till the legal period of my binding contract with Elaichi. But he assured the fans that he will take his future decisions very carefully.
what is the whole matter?
Significantly, in a recent advertisement, Vimal Elaichi was seen welcoming Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar in the ‘Vimal Universe’. In which they all consume cardamom while saluting the Vimal brand. Akshay Kumar’s fans are angry about him promoting a brand related to tobacco.
Fans protested by sharing an old video of Akshay Kumar on social media, in which he is talking about his distaste for alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco products.
The post Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar apologizes to fans for advertising tobacco products says will donate ad fees appeared first on Spotlight 7.
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