On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a replica of the Ashoka Pillar installed on the roof of the new Parliament House. There is also controversy about this. However, Lakshman Vyas of Rajasthan, the sculptor who installed it, says that this replica is similar to the Ashoka Pillar kept at Sarnath. he also tells how challenging it was to set up this replica. Then the temperature in Delhi was between 45 and 50 degrees. Many of his comrades also fell ill, but the passion for the national symbol was such that his comrades completed this task in the stipulated time. Know, some interesting things related to this replica and the process of installing it…
Laxman Vyas says that I got the task of making the replica from Tata Projects Limited. This design is not mine. I got the design from an artist from Tata. We were given the task of installing the statue there by metal casting. About 40 people made it together. It took five months. Its weight is 9620 kg.
50 days hard work in the scorching sun:
They say that we spent about 50 days on the roof of Parliament. We did it in more than 45-50 degree temperature, many companions also got sick, but the passion and emotion was different. It was our thought that we are doing this work for the country and by the grace of God, the replica was established. It was prepared under the Italian lost wax process. It had 150 pieces. It was joined and welding was done only by visiting the building of Parliament House.
He told that for us every work is a challenge. We aim to incorporate the whole art into it. When this replica was about to be installed in the biggest panchayat of India, then our responsibility increased. Many designers, many officials were involved in this process, then only this replica was installed there.
‘We haven’t slept for 36-36 hours’:
Laxman Vyas says that the replica of elephants at Delhi airport and the replica of 57 feet Maharana Pratap in Udaipur were made by us. Because of this we got this work of metal casting on the new Parliament House. 90 percent copper has been used in it, it will never rust. We did not sleep for 36-36 hours, we worked there day and night. There was no pressure on us from the government or the Tatas while preparing it. We got full cooperation from CPWD. Despite working in such heat and at such height, we were given full security and facilities. The Prime Minister also spoke to us and congratulated us for this work.
‘It is a replica of the Ashoka Pillar kept at Sarnath’:
On the controversy related to the replica, Vyas says that if anyone says anything, I do not want to go into that controversy. Actually the size of the replica is quite large, due to which it might have looked different. I would only submit that this replica is of the Ashoka Pillar in Sarnath only. Such a huge replica of the national emblem had never been built. It will look different when the picture is taken from below. Taking a picture from the front, it will look exactly like Sarnath. There is no difference between the Ashoka Pillar kept at Sarnath and this replica. If this replica was made of fifty feet, then the teeth would have looked much bigger.
The post Ashoka Stambh National Emblem: Why is the replica of the national emblem installed on the new Parliament building special? appeared first on Spotlight 7.
source https://spotlight7.com/national/ashoka-stambh-national-emblem/
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