Friday, 13 May 2022

0 WHO warning: The danger of Obesity is increasing with Corona in European countries including India are worrying

For more than two years, the global health system has been engaged in dealing with the corona epidemic. All the variants of the corona virus have badly affected the health of the people, although at this time corona is not the only threat to the world, many other health problems are also increasing rapidly. Some are growing so fast, due to which the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an alert of another epidemic.

While releasing a report, WHO has said that the risk of obesity is increasing rapidly in European countries. This WHO report states that in the year 2016, more than 59 percent of adults in European countries had a body-mass index (BMI) above normal. There are signs of it increasing further during the corona epidemic. Rapidly gaining weight is known to be a factor in many serious health risks.

Health experts say that being overweight increases the risk of many health-related problems. It has been seen as a major factor in many other serious health problems including diabetes, heart diseases. The manner in which the WHO report reveals the status of obesity on a global scale, it is certainly a cause for great concern. Experts say that all countries need to plan to control this growing threat, otherwise it can take the form of a major epidemic.

WHO expressed concern:

A World Health Organization (WHO) report shows that 59% of adults in Europe had a body-mass index (BMI) above average in 2016. According to the report, the problem of overweight is being seen in people in most European countries including Turkey and the United Kingdom.

According to the report more than two lakh cancer cases are being diagnosed every year due to obesity. Apart from this, more than 1.2 million people die every year due to all diseases related to obesity.

Obesity rates at ‘deadly’ levels:

Based on global data, the WHO has expressed concern that the rates of overweight and obesity had reached ‘fatal’ levels and are continuing to rise. The World Health Organization has expressed concern that no country is currently on track to meet the goal of preventing obesity by 2025 under the WHO Global Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD). One in three school-going children in European countries is obese, a sign of great challenges for the future.

warning about cancer risk:

According to studies, obesity is known to be a factor in many serious diseases such as musculoskeletal complications, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and about 13 types of cancer. The accumulation of excess body fat is also a major risk factor for premature death and disability.

Experts say that as obesity rates continue to rise, it is expected that it will overtake smoking-borne cancers. The UK has the largest number of obese people, along with Turkey and Malta.

High BMI is harmful:

According to health experts, obesity defines the condition of being overweight. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is classified as overweight, while 30 or higher is considered obese. Some experts say that during the corona epidemic, poor lifestyle and eating habits have increased the problem of obesity to a great extent. Research has also found a higher risk of Kovid-19 in such people.

The risk of obesity is also increasing in India:

Along with European countries, the problem of obesity has also been reported to be increasing rapidly in India. A recent report by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) has raised concerns about the rising obesity risk in India.

According to this report, 24% of women and 23% of men in the age group of 15-49 are obese. Nationally, obesity has increased from 21 percent to 24 percent in women and from 19 percent to 23 percent in men, compared to previous data.

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