Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav answered BSP chief Mayawati’s questions at Roza Iftar held in Gosaiganj, Lucknow on Thursday evening. He said that it is a matter of happiness to see Mayawati’s dream of becoming the Prime Minister.
That’s why we had an alliance with him. We wanted that the alliance should remain, so that the people who believe in Babasaheb Ambedkar would see who would become the Prime Minister of the country in the coming times.
He also targeted uncle Shivpal in gestures on the question of ignoring Azam Khan. Said that when Azam was facing trial, where were the questioners? Why didn’t they come forward then? SP has always supported Azam and will continue to do so.
We did not lose, the government was snatched by dishonesty-
On the other hand, in Mainpuri, Akhilesh said that we (SP) are not defeated, the BJP people have dishonestly snatched the government from us. If there were three and a half lakh more votes, then only the Samajwadi government would have been in the state.
When the police get the loudspeaker removed, when will it protect the common man? He was addressing the people present in a private program at village Nagla Moti in Kurra area on Thursday. He said that the BJP government is trying to mislead Hindus and Muslims by dividing them.
Mayawati said on Thursday – I can become CM or PM, but not President
BSP supremo Mayawati on Thursday attacked SP chief Akhilesh Yadav. Said, ‘I can dream of becoming CM again, becoming PM later, but can never dream of becoming the President of the country.
SP chief should stop spreading this rumour. Akhilesh, who was defeated in the elections, is trying to flee abroad. There they have already made their arrangements.
Mayawati issued a statement saying that SP is responsible for BJP’s return to power in UP. SP and BJP together gave Hindu-Muslim color to the entire election and BJP came to power. Now the SP chief is responsible for the atrocities being committed on the poor and Muslims.
Mayawati said that if the poor sections of Dalits, Tribals, Backward Classes, Muslims and Upper Castes join BSP in UP, then they can make me not only the CM of UP but also the PM of the country in the future. Mayawati alleged that tremendous power cuts are being done in the month of Ramzan. Government should take strict action on this.
Now SP will never return to power:
Mayawati said that the Muslims and Yadavs of UP have seen the SP by giving their one-sided vote in this election. He made alliances with many parties but to no avail.
Now these people are not going to fall under their delusion. The SP chief has also realized that the SP is never going to come to power.
Mayawati said that following the path shown by Dr. Ambedkar and Kanshi Ram, I dedicated my life to make the downtrodden people stand on their feet.
This service can be done not by becoming President but by becoming PM and CM. That is why the people of SP who are dreaming of making him the President forcibly should be forgotten.
The post Akhilesh Yadav: Glad to see BSP chief’s dream of becoming PM appeared first on Spotlight 7.
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